The 10th International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (ICTH 2020)
November 2-5, 2020, Madeira, Portugal

Camera Ready Submission

All accepted papers of the ICTH 2020 and its affiliated workshops and symposia will be published by Elsevier Science in the open-access Procedia Computer Science series on-line.

Please register your paper on or before September 4, 2020. Failure to register by this date and submit your camera-ready files on or before September 4, 2020 ends, will result in your paper being not included in the proceeding and the final program.

Please, follow the below listed steps in order to prepare your camera ready paper:

Step 1: Camera-Ready Paper

To prepare the Camera-Ready paper, follow the reviewers’ comments sent to you by e-mail and make sure that you meet the current guidelines of Procedia Computer Science, and MS Word Template, Latex, Elsevier.

Please make sure that you have used the correct ICTH 2020 template and entered the name of the conference or workshop in “Conference title”

  • An example of a file with ICTH 2020 title can be found Here.
  • An example of a file with EICN 2020 workshop title can be found Here.

In the template:

Step 2: Number of Pages

  • Full Paper: The total number of pages is limited to 8 pages. Two extra pages can be added. But, for each extra page, a fee of €65 will be charged. The maximum number of pages (including extra pages) is strictly limited to 10 pages.
  • Short Paper: The total number of pages is limited to 6 pages. Two extra pages can be added. But, for each extra page, a fee of €65 will be charged. The maximum number of pages (including extra pages) is strictly limited to 8 pages.
  • Workshop Paper: The total number of pages is limited to 6 pages. Two extra pages can be added. But, for each extra page, a fee of €65 will be charged. The maximum number of pages (including extra pages) is strictly limited to 8 pages.

Step 3: Registration

  • In order for your paper to be included in the proceedings at least one author must register and pay the registration fees in full by the deadline. Registration will be handled online using the following webpage: Registration Link.

Step 4: Naming and Submission of Camera-ready

Name your file as follows:

  • For ICTH Conference Papers use the following format: ICTH_PaperID_TransactionID.pdf
  • For ICTH Workshop Papers use the following format: Workshop-Name_PaperID_TransactionID.pdf
  • Transaction ID: This number can be found in the Payment Confirmation email you received after completing the online registration form.
  • PaperID: The number you received when you submitted your paper via EasyChair. If it is a workshop paper, then the number given to you by the workshop organizer. If you don't have one, ask the workshop organizer.

Step 5: Copyright Form

  • You will receive an email from Elsevier publisher to complete the online copyright form few days before the conference date.

Step 6: Corresponding Author Information

Complete the Author Information file and save it as follows:
  • For ICTH Conference Papers use the following format: ICTH-PaperID_TransactionID.xlsx (Do not save it in PDF format)
  • For ICTH Workshops Papers use the following format: Workshop-Name_PaperID_TransactionID.xlsx (Do not save it in PDF format)

Step 7: Required File

  1. Camera-ready paper in a pdf format.
  2. Camera-ready paper source file (Ms_Word .docx, or Latex).
  3. Completed author information file in xlsx format.

You need to upload all three files in easychair during your registration.

Note that

  1. If your source file is in Latex format, then you need to send only your latex files in a zipped file directly by email to Conference Camera Ready.
  2. If you have more than one accepted paper, then upload one in easychair and the other by email to Conference Camera Ready.   The Subject of your email is:

    • For ICTH Conference Papers: ICTH_PaperID_Registration-ID.
    • For ICTH Workshops Papers: Workshop Name_PaperID_Registration-ID.

    Note: You may be asked to revise your camera ready copy if it does not conform to the Procedia Computer Science publishing guidelines.

    For inquiries and assistance to the camera-ready submission, please contact Conference Camera Ready

In conjunction with:

The 11th International Conference on
Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (EUSPN)