- AISC : International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence methods for Smart Cities
- CICEN : International Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Cybersecurity in Emergent Networks
- CIM : The 5th International Workshop on Connected & Intelligent Mobility
- DDS&IS : International Workshop on Data Driven Security and Intelligent Systems
- EICN : The 8th International Symposium on Emerging Information, Communication and Networks
- IA&NLP : The 2nd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Natural Language Processing
- IFSMS: The 6th International Workshop on Information Fusion for Smart Mobility Solutions
- IoT-S&O : The 2nd International workshop on Internet of Things: Scope and Opportunities
- ISAT : International Workshop on Information Sciences and Advanced Technologies: Edge Big Data - AI- IoT
- IST : International Workshop on Internet of Smart Things
- IWBCS : The 2nd International Workshop on Blockchain Security
- IWIT : The 2nd International Workshop on Innovation and Technologies
- MOSS : International Workshop on Mining Online Social Streams
- SCAD : International Workshop on Smart Communication and Autonomous Driving
- SCPS : International Symposium on Smart Cyber-Physical Systems
In conjunction with:

The 11th International Conference on Current and
Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (ICTH)